1 Denison Street - Microsoft
North Sydney, New South Wales
With a ten-year lease on levels 25-31, Microsoft have consolidated a number of offices into their new 10,665 sqm Australian HQ.
The fitout for Microsoft integrates base building services with supplementary tenancy systems, comprising of 60 package units, 22 ventilation fans and 4 air-to-air heat exchangers. Metering adds 28 electrical, 7 water and 9 thermal energy meters.
Base building works to facilitate the fitout include relocation of 140 temperature sensors, 16 VAV’s and significant rework of base building HVAC strategies to accommodate Microsoft’s operational requirements.
High level interfaces to computer room environmental monitoring system (CREMS), lighting, security, uninterruptible power supply, room booking, and power bus bar round out the technology and energy efficiency focus for both Microsoft and management of 1 Denison St.